
Monday, November 26, 2012

Time to get back to "normal"

So Thanksgiving has come and gone and it was once again a chaotic holiday, full of frustrations, laughs, and of course enough food to feed an army. I'm a big fan of large family gatherings on holidays and this one was that and more. The entire week leading up to the holiday was also a little chaotic since my best friend was in town on vacation. I took a couple days off work so we can hang out and be tourists, but that was had a small hiccup due to my oldest coming down with a nasty virus. Sickness has the uncanny ability of rearing its ugly head at the worst possible moments. We still managed to have a great time and I was also able to get some bonding in with her fiance.

Despite all the craziness of the past week, Thanksgiving was amazing. My husband showed off his amazing deep frying skills (after my friend and I injected and rubbed the bird down). My best friend and her sister in law showed off their amazing kitchen skills by putting together some super yummy sides. My kids behaved for the most part and we had a great time drinking wine and gossiping like old maids.

Now that the holiday has passed and my best friend is back in CA, it's time to return to our normal lives and prepare for the next round of crazy AKA Christmas. My dad will be flying in for two weeks for that one and my boys are going to go bananas when they find out (it's a surprise). So here's to my "normal" couple of weeks! 

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