
Friday, November 2, 2012

Free time? What's that?

Lately it's been on the front of my mind that I don't have any free time. None. Zero. Now, I'm not looking for spa day or a cocktail lunch or bar crawl, but maybe an hour to just sit in silence and read a book. That's not too much right? Well, in my life I'm not sure where it would fit in. 

During the week my day begins at 6am and it includes preparing not only myself for the work day, but also two little boys who act like dressing themselves and brushing their teeth is worse then death. After we're dressed, there is breakfast to be cooked and served and lunches to be made. In order to arrive to our different destinations on time, we must leave the house no later then 7:10am. I've given my hubby the task of taking the little one to daycare so I can make it to work on time (since the school and daycare on opposite ends of town, cause having them right next door would be WAY too easy), so after I drop Mikey off I get to sit in traffic for 30 minutes then put in a 9 hour work day.

On to the ever thrilling afternoons. I have to leave work no later then 5:30 so I can arrive to daycare before 6, then it's off to other side of town to grab Mikey from the YMCA before 6:30, then we get to go home and prepare dinner! I pre-cook my meals on Sunday, but it still take roughly 15-20 minutes to re-heat. After dinner, we have homework, baths, and then bedtime at 8:30. Once the kids are down I can either A, clean house, or B take my "hour" free time. Guess which one wins? Yup, A. The house won't clean itself. By the time this has all concluded I'm ready for bed. The weekends are never a good time either since we always have something going on or some errands to run. Sundays are dedicated to football/cleaning and cooking. If I don't pre-cook on Sundays my work week evenings are dragged out even longer. 

In closing I'm pretty much saying what every mother on this planet already knows. When you have children, your life takes a back seat. They are the center of your world and every waking minute you have is devoted to them. I do hold on to the hope that once they get bigger I'll be able to sneak in that hour and read a good day.  

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