
Friday, November 9, 2012

Mommy Guilt

I think at one point in every working moms life, you've been over come with mommy guilt. The guilty feeling you get when your at work knowing that your child has a school event/program going on that your not able to make. How do you explain to a 7 year old that mommy had to submit contract modifications and time sensitive offers so she couldn't make it? How also do you explain to them that we have bills that need to paid so mommy has to be at her desk? 

Today Mikey had a Veterans Day program where he was going to sing. I knew a program was coming up but a reminder note was never sent home and sometimes Mikey struggles with communication. He was able to tell me about this morning (you know, the day of) and I had to let him know that I couldn't make it. The look on his face crushed me. If I had known maybe a day or two in advance, I could have tried to get an hour of two off so I can attend but the day of just isn't enough time. Mike was able to swoop in and tell him that he was going to try to be there so Mikey did come back to life before school.  It still didn't help my disappointment. 

Mike was able to make it to the program which brightened Mikey's day. I'm glad one of us were able to make it but I'm still racked with guilt. I would love nothing more then to be available all the time to attend every program, event and even volunteer in the classroom. Unfortunately we live in a time where having a two income household is necessary to thrive in this world. Sure I can quit my job and live off Mike's income, but then that means we'll never have enough money to buy a house, never buy a new car, won't go to fun events or take vacations, and we'll have to eat ramen and hot dogs every day. Not exactly the life I want for my children. 

So I'm going to work and have days like this. Days where I wish I didn't work. Days I wish I can run and be at the school in less then 5 minutes for anything. Days I'm going to have to shake off the mommy guilt. 


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