
Friday, November 30, 2012

Lets give thanks

All month I've watched a good chunk of my Facebook friends take time out of their day all month to post something they are thankful for. I would love to say that I'm the kind of person who would be able to follow through with something like that. I'm not that kind of person though. I would post maybe for one or two days, skip 4 days, post a couple more, then give up. I just don't have that kind of attention span. Instead I've determined to write one blog post dedicated to the many things in my life that I am thankful for. 

First off I'm thankful for my children. They can be a handful sometimes but they bring my so much joy and pride, I honestly feel like I'm going to burst sometimes. It's hard to picture what my life would be without them. 

Secondly I'm thankful for my husband. We have been together for so long that I'm kinda surprised we still like each other! Kidding! He has been the best partner a woman can ask for. I'm not always the easiest person and I have the tendency to overreact and get wound up, but he never yells, or gets mad. He is just always there, calm and collected and it makes me realize how ridiculous I'm being. He just completes me. 

This year I'm very thankful for our move to Texas. A year ago we were still new around here and were still unsure if this move was for the better and still missing everyone back home terribly. This past year I've really recognized that this move was the best thing that ever happened to us. Moving to Texas has put my child in an amazing school district which has helped him improve tremendously. Moving to Texas has also made our dream of buying a home and much more realistic goal. Buying in CA was not an option and if we were able to pull it off, we would have had to move to a crummy neighborhood and work our butts off to live in a house we didn't love. By this time next year I'm positive I'll be adding photos of our house in this blog, and giving thanks for it. 

And finally I'm thankful for the rest of our family and the friends we've made here and the ones we had to leave behind. My sister and brother moving to TX made my life here easier in many, many ways. Having them close is also really good for my kids. I'm very pro family (blood relatives or not) and it's been amazing to start building a support system out here for myself, Mike and the boys. I still miss the friends and family in CA and I'm glad we've been able to maintain a close relationship even though I'm so far away. 

I could go on and on giving thanks to my job, car, cat etc, but that would take way to long. I'm very thankful for my life and all the positive changes and positive people in it. During these hard times I see people struggling all around me and it's humbled me in so many ways. We could very easily be one of them, but we're not and I'm grateful for that. I hope next year is just as amazing as this years been and brings us new happiness and more friends and family to be thankful for. 

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