
Thursday, October 18, 2012

Every story starts somewhere....

I'm not sure why now I've chosen this time in my life to start blogging. I don't know if it's because of all the changes that have happened this past year, the fact that I'm getting older, or because I always have a million different things going on in my head at once that I need a way to get them all out. What ever the reason is, blogging seems to be a good solution.Before I start rambling on about my every day, in the off chance someone who doesn't know me personally comes across this they should have a little back story so they are somewhat up to speed....

I was born and raised in sunny Southern California. I was lucky enough to call California home for the first 26 years of my life. I met Mike when I was 16 and we've been together ever since, did the marriage and kids thing and we were living in CA up until last year. We just knew CA wasn't going to bring us everything in this life that we wanted, so in June 2011 we packed up, jumped in a u-haul (think Beverly hillbilly's) and set up shop in Round Rock, TX. Just a couple months ago I was able to convince my older sister and youngest brother that CA wasn't going to fulfill their hopes and dreams either and they packed up hillbilly style and joined my clan here in TX. 

So as of today I've been in TX for over a year and I'm still adjusting. I have some goals in mind that I want to achieve by the 2 year mark like get out of our freaking apartment and give my 2 boys some running room before our downstairs neighbors freak out. My husband wants into a better career as do I. All this will come in time as long as we keep putting in the hard work. 

So there is the back story. It hasn't always been easy and there have been many times I've wanted to throw in the towel, but I wasn't raised to be a quitter, so I just keep trucking along. Wish there was someone out there who could of warned me that being an adult was completely over-rated......

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