
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

And it begins...

So when Mike and I had kids we always knew we wanted boys. This shocks most people because they have this notion that most moms want pink, princesses, and little ribbons and bows. Not me. I wanted boys. I wanted rough, tough, sports loving, little boys. That being said, I thought I had a few years before my boys started noticing girls. I mean, my oldest is only 7 and the youngest is 4. WAY too young for girls to even be on the radar. Nope. I was wrong. 

About 2 weeks ago my brother was kind enough to pick Mikey (the oldest) up from YMCA for me. He brought him home then informed me that Mikey told him that he has a little girl friend at school. After some detective works, I was able to discover that this wasn't a "girlfriend" but a little girl who liked to chase him around the school yard. His dad had a nice chat with him that night about whats appropriate and whats not and then we went along our merry way.

Fast forward to this morning and I'm taking him to school and we pull into the drop off zone and notice that the local high school football players are out there directing traffic and opening doors for the parents. Out of nowhere I hear Mikey whisper "ohhhh cheerleaders!" and low and behold, the cheerleaders emerged from the building. I can't believe it. 7 years old and the cheerleaders/girls have caught his attention. Damn it. I'm not ready for any type of contact with the opposite sex. I know I have a few years until dating comes into play, but this is a sure sign that my little man is getting older. Didn't even see it coming. At least I still have the 4 year old. 

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