
Monday, March 25, 2013

Spring (not so much) Break

I probably could have blogged about this a bit sooner, seeing as how spring break was March 11-15, but lets face it, I needed a breather from it. I wouldn't say it was horrible, but it was busy. Before I get too far ahead, I decided this year that I was going to a week off when Mikey was on spring break. I get two weeks of vacation a year and besides are trip to California in August, I don't have anything planned. Plus I didn't want to enroll him in YMCA or pay to have my MIL come from El Paso to watch him. 

So the time finally came around and Mikey didn't get the clue that it was Spring Break for the first 2 days. What does that mean? It means Mikey still woke up WAY too early which meant I woke up early despite not having any where to be. Those first two days were pretty rough. I begged and pleaded with my 7 year old to take a nap, but he wasn't having it. During those first two days we cleaned house (by far his FAVORITE activity), had lunch with family, made a trip to the library, went to the mall, bounced his heart out at Inflatable Wonderland, saw a movie and took park trips. By mid-week I was pooped but then Joey's day care was closed that Wednesday so then I had to entertain both of them and keep them from fighting. Not the easiest thing to do considering they fight about everything! Wednesday went well and Joey returned the next day to daycare so then I only had one child with me the day that almost ruined the whole vacation. The day I decided Six Flags in the middle of spring break was a great idea.

I'll admit Six Flags was my idea. Never said it was a good idea, but it was mine. I convinced my brother and his girlfriend Sara that we all needed to go. Since both boys have lucked out in the height department (both are in the 90th percentile when it comes to height) I was convinced that we will get on every ride and give Mikey a memorable spring break. The moment we arrived there, I should have known it was a mistake. When police are directing traffic and have roads closed down, that normally isn't a good sign. Once we were forced to park in the back, I should have called it a day, but no, we went in. We went in and rode only 3 rides in 5 hours. We became sun burned and tired and fought crowds. Awful isn't a powerful enough word to describe the day we had there. Traumatizing is a better fit. It's been 2 weeks and the husband wants us all to go so he and Joey can get year passes, but I still don't feel mentally ready. 

With out a doubt, the best day out of the whole week was Friday. By nature Friday's are pretty amazing, but that last day of break was really special. Mike took the day off. I realize that doesn't seem like a big deal, but my dear husband NEVER takes a day off unless it's a major event or he's on his death bed. Mike took the day off just we can all go bowling as a family. We went bowling, had lunch, and just spent the whole day together as a family.

So next year I'll probably take a week off for spring break again, but this time we are taking a trip. It could be to CA to see my dad and the boys can play with all the cool things their papa bought for them, or it could be to South Carolina to see my grandparents. Either way, the time off won't really be much of a "break".

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