
Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Today is kindergarten round-up. Since my youngest hit the big 5 this past Saturday, today is the first step in putting him in big boy school. Whoa. Where in the world did the time go? When I was complaining the costs of daycare, that didn’t mean it was ok for Joey to keep growing at this super fast pace! I know he doesn’t actually start till August, but at this rate I’m going to blink and then BAM! It’s August.

It all started on Friday. I picked my little man up and he let me know after Saturday that I had to buy him a backpack. I asked why he needed a backpack, and he informed me that since he’s 5 it’s time for kindergarten. I did my best to break down the concept of school years, but I guess at 4/almost 5 it’s a hard thing to grasp.

I was able to pump the breaks on kinder talk that day, but it only gave me 4 extra days because now it’s Tuesday, and it’s time to get that packet from the school. This really is a bittersweet moment. I’m ready for both my boys to be in the same school and to look after each other, but it really is a sign of how fast they’ve grown and how much things have changed. It doesn’t feel like that long ago we were back in California and prepping Mikey to enter kindergarten. Now Mikey is in 2nd grade and Joey is 4 months away from being finished with daycare. It’s a little much at times.

So after I post this, I'm going to grab my wine, fill out the packet and sniffle a little bit at how my big boy is growing up!

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