
Sunday, December 29, 2013

Christmas and Sickness, The New Tradition

So Christmas time has once again come and gone. There was good food, time with family, oh and one other thing……sickness. Yup. Once again, around Christmas time, my home was infested with the creepy crud. Not cool. We’ve all got/had it, and I am determined to make sure this is the last Christmas where any of us suffer. 

Ok, so let’s get to the good stuff first. Christmas was fantastic this year! We did a couple city Christmas events and had a blast. This year the YMCA with a local dealership held an event at the park right next to our apartment. It was called “Nyle Maxwell’s Christmas Dreams and Snowy Things”. We had a blast! The boys did some sledding. 

They brought in trucks that made snow for the kids to play in (even though it was FREEZING that day, not cold enough to make snow)

We drank hot chocolate, ate funnel cake, and rode a couple of the rides they had brought in. I hope this becomes a tradition, because I would love to do it again next year. 

Later on that night we decided to hit the city of Round Rock’s Rockin’ Light’s. It’s a nice little drive through light display set up at the city’s largest park (Old Settlers Park). This is the second year it’s been running, and I love it. We stopped at Starbucks for some hot coca, turned on the Christmas music and enjoyed the lights.

So finally Christmas Eve arrived and we spent a nice day together playing games, baking cookies for Santa, and watching The Grinch.  Once the kids went to bed, Mike and I put the gifts out, stuffed the stockings, ate the Santa cookies and went to bed. Next morning the kids woke up, opened their gifts, and then automatically wanted us to open them so they can destroy, I mean, play with them. All was good until about 11am. That’s when the sickness caught my husband. He went to our room and wasn’t seen again until almost 10pm. The man NEVER gets sick. Sure he’ll get a sniffle here and there, but full on, need to stay in bed, and can’t move sick? Not my man. So seeing as how he was suffering, I knew it was serious. Plus, Christmas is his favorite time of year, and he pretty much missed out. Poor guy. 

Next morning, we wake up and my poor Mikey is sick. Since Mike had already called out, those two could be sick together at home. I take Joey to winter camp, and I go to work. I’m at work then about 11am, BOOM. It hits me. Face is on fire, I’m freezing, and I’m going to be sick. I make a quick exit home, and then awake 2 days later, today. Past two days are a blur of medicine, sleep, hot baths etc. The world could have erupted in utter chaos and I would have had no clue. Dead to the world around me. 

I’ve never been a big believer in flu shots. The only time I would get one, or the boys would get one is if we happened to be at the Dr’s office and they offered. I’ve always felt that if you’re meant to get the flu, then you’ll get the flu. Seeing as how for 2 years in a row we’ve all gotten sick during flu season, it’s probably time for me to rethink that logic. Flu shots for all next year! I’m not doing this again.  

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