
Saturday, January 19, 2013

Balloons suck.

I've been a parent now for 7 years. My oldest boy is 7, almost 8, so I've bought and come across a variety of toys. I have people in my life who's main goal is to buy my children the most annoying toys you could possibly think of (I'm talking about you Dad! And Bobbie. And Heather. Jerks). Out of everything I've ever come across, balloons are without a doubt the worst. My children will fight to the death over a freaking balloon. They will scream over who gets to touch it; who gets to hold it; who gets to bat it into the air first; and if that balloon happens to pop, anarchy breaks out. 

Last night went out to dinner with my sister, brother, and his girlfriend. My children held it together for the most part, and we were just wrapping up the bill when Satan himself appeared, the balloon guy. No matter how hard I shook my head no at him, and gave him the look of death, he still insisted on making balloon motorcycles for the kids. He convinced Joey that nothing would be cooler then a motorcycle hat. He created this elaborate monster of a hat for Joey and causing him to jump up and down with glee. Mikey decides that he doesn't want a hat. He just wants a motorcycle. Once Mikey's motorcycle is complete, Joey then decides his hat is complete crap and he wants the balloon man to take it apart just so he can have the motorcycle. So instead of leaving in a timely fashion and getting home, we just spent an extra half hour in this restaurant for balloons that my kids will fight about all night, and be destroyed by the morning. 

Thanks balloon guy. 

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