
Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Summer/Changes/Everything in between

So I was thinking that it was time for me to give an update since it's been FOREVER since I posted, but when I double checked my last post, it was only 2-3 months ago. Not that long. I guess when you have a lot going on it seems like time is flying by, when in reality, time hasn't moved that much. So far we've had 3 trips this year, two different sports leagues, and possible career changes that it just feels like the year should be wrapping up instead of not even being half way through. So let's get some things updated.

Our spring break trip to South Carolina was fantastic. The boys loved great grandma and grandpa and the weather was so beautiful that we actually spent time at the beach! I really loved being with family and getting some bonding time in. I was disappointed the husband couldn't make the trip, but work was just too busy for him to take the time off. Hopefully we'll plan another trip in a year or two and he can make that one.

So after taking that trip in March, my sister and I took a small weekend trip to California to watch one of our good friends finally get married. I say 'finally' because she's been dating her wonderful man for 12 years! We've been waiting for this marriage for so long. The wedding was beautiful and perfect. It was really everything her and her finance deserved. Even though it was only a weekend trip, I was able to see family, hang out with friends, and eat some of the yummy food I was brought up on. It's always fun to go back, but I sure was happy to come back to Texas. 

So now the school year is rapidly coming to an end. Last day of school is May 30th and this is the first year the kids won't be traveling to California. My brother and his girlfriend moved back into my dads and she's about to have a baby next month, and having the boys out there wouldn't be a good idea right now. Both boys are really bummed, but they understand. My dad came out in April and spent some time with them so hopefully that helped soften the blow. Coming up with summer camp was not cheap or easy. Luckily the city hosts a summer camp for Round Rock residents. The boys attended the Winter Camp and had a blast, so I know they will love the summer camp. Each week they will go on a different field trip, and there will activities and games that will maintain the same theme. I'm very excited to see how it works out. 

So the final big change is that the husband and I might be making big changes on the career front. Nothing is set in stone yet, but we have been making steps towards this direction. We both need a change. We are not drowning or anything, but we want to start moving in a faster pace towards our goals. I'm getting impatient for a house! So hopefully by my next update I can report some exciting things!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Sports season!

Man, life has a way of getting so crazy that it's hard to take the time to relax and reflect on everything that's happening and what's already past. First off, this has been the coldest winter since I've moved to Texas. The boys school has been closed 2 days due to bad weather, and numerous days where school was delayed 2 hours. I wish I could say these closings and delays were due to actual snow, but it was due to ice. I've learned very quickly that here in Central Texas, ice shuts everything down. No one can handle driving on the ice. My commute during these icy days were a nightmare. Now that we are in March, I am hoping this crap weather is over, and I can get back to complaining about the heat.

So now that spring is upon us, that can only mean one thing! Sports season! This year both boys decided they wanted to play sports. I love sports, so I signed them up. The catch? They both wanted to play different sports. Clearly both of them playing the same sport would be WAY too easy on mom and dad, and we can't have that. So Joey is playing baseball, and Mikey is playing soccer. Mikey did two years of baseball back in California and it's really not his sport. He needs something fast paced, and soccer seems to fit the bill. I don't know really anything about soccer except that I had an uncle and cousin play professional soccer in Europe. That's it. That's all I have to offer. Baseball on the other hand, I love baseball. I love going to baseball games, I love playing softball, and I enjoy watching my kids play baseball. Great American Past Time right??!! 

So we have two kids, two different sports leagues, so when I got the practice and game schedules, I was expecting a bit of overlap. It seems like about 80% of their games and practices overlap. Again, can't let things be too easy for mom and dad. Looking at the calendar at home and work (where I've written down ALL the practices) is overwhelming. In order to save time I've taken up slow cooker freezer dinners. It has been a life saver! The thought of having to handle two practices/games then run home and start cooking dinner is nauseating. Ain't nobody got time for that. So I take about 15-20 minutes and plan out a menu and make a shopping list for the week. I make sure all dinners can be cooked in the slow cooker. I hit the grocery store and when I get home and I begin prepping the dinners (chop the vegetables, precook any red meat) then combine the ingredients for each dinner in a gallon size freezer bag. So when I'm done it looks something like this:
Since they are in bags, they are very easy to lay flat and store in the freezer. The night before we plan on cooking the meal, we remove from the freezer and put in the fridge. Since Mike takes the kids to school and leaves after I do, it's his job to empty the bag contents into the slow cooker and start it before he leaves. Once I get home after work and practices/games, dinner is done! Slaving away after a long day is a thing of the past, especially when you have two hungry and tired boys wanting a hot meal.   

So the thing that I'm most excited about is spring break. I took that week off like I did last year, but instead of having a stay-cation with the kids, we are going to be traveling to South Carolina to see my grandparents. I am thrilled for the boys to finally get to know them. Some of my fondest memories growing up are those that involve them. When they lived in the San Fransisco area, I used to spend every summer with them. We are going to drive, but are giving ourselves some time. No rush to get there. No rush to get back. Keep it nice and relaxing because before I know it, vacation will be over and it'll be back to our normal everyday grind.