
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Thank Goodness

So it’s been a pretty eventful couple of weeks. There has been so much positive happening that I’ve been pretty preoccupied with living in the moment to update my little blog here. I had also been without my children for 6 weeks and I like to think of this as a “family” blog and not a “mom and dad are acting like crazy newlyweds again” blog. I’m not sure where to start so I’m just going to dive in. Forgive me if I have to back track a bit. I’m sure I’m going to miss a detail or two.

So after 2 years of living in Texas, we returned to California. My best friend got married and I was a bridesmaid and also we had to retrieve the children from my dad and bring them back home. Even though I love, love, love, the dating time that Mike and I had while the children were gone, I was so anxious to get them back and spend a couple days with them back in California. With the wedding happening, I knew I wouldn’t have a lot of time, but we did our best. We spent 2 days relaxing in the river and having family cook outs. It was really everything I hoped it could be.

So on to the wedding. It was one of the best weddings I have ever been too. The food was amazing, the ceremony happened with no hiccups, and we stayed up late dancing our butts off. I really wish I could have kept my phone on me to snap pictures of the kids dancing, but knowing me, I probably would have dropped it and broken it. It was such an honor to be included in my best friend’s wedding. She lives in CA and I’m in TX and we’ve still maintained this wonderful friendship, and sharing her day with her meant a lot.

So I have this weird issue with flying. I was able to fly to California, but I really wanted to take the Amtrak back to Texas with Mike and the boys. The kids are used to Amtrak since they’ve taken it to California twice with their grandpa. So after comparing flights with the train, we chose the train. I am really glad we did! Amtrak is really a nice option for those who don’t like flying or driving. The seats are comfortable and spacious and there is so much to see! I only had one major complaint. The only people who have showers are those with rooms. We didn’t realize this and only had coach seats. By the time we returned to Austin, I would have paid all the money I had for a nice hot shower. Next time we decide to travel to CA, an upgrade to a room WILL happen.

So when we came back, my mother-in-law come back with us, and she barely left this past weekend, so I can FINALLY say we are back to normal. The kids have already gotten through one week of school, and I’ve almost got them back to a normal diet and schedule. Now it’s time to fill their time with sports and after school activities! Yay!