
Friday, June 21, 2013

The end of an era (the daycare era)

Guess who's getting a raise after today?? That's right! I am! No, I didn't get a promotion at work, or get a news job. Today is the day that I turn in my last daycare check. Now, to a stay at home parent, or someone who doesn't have kids, this may seem like a trivial thing to be pumped about, but as a mother who has funneled money into daycare for almost 7 years (since Mikey was a baby) this is a really big deal. Not a lot of people realize how much money it costs to put your kids in care. 

Since Mikey was a year old, I've funneled thousands into various preschools and daycare's. It wasn't always easy but we made it work. When Mikey finally entered kinder, we saw the light at the end of the tunnel, and now Joey will be entering kinder in the fall, and daycare is done. I've already started planning out budget for the next couple months, and just looking at the numbers thrills me to no end. With this money we'll be able to buy a newer car, buy a house, and still be able to save. Finally we'll be able to plan out nice yearly vacations! Look out Disney World! 

Since Mikey and Joey are our only children, I'll never have to worry about finding another preschool or daycare again. They will finally be at the same school, at the same time. I'm never going to have to worry about doing the kid shuffle between multiple places again (except sports probably), and having to call and negotiate with Mike about who's picking/dropping who off. Life is about to get a whole lot easier in the Delgado household! I wonder if the daycare would be offended if I did a photo shoot with the check before I turn it over.........