
Monday, May 20, 2013

Summer Prep Underway

Wow. That was fast. In 2 weeks, Mikey will be done with second grade. Finished. In the past.  I'm really shocked at how quickly the time has flown by. It seems so cliche to say, but time really does seem to start moving faster as each school year approaches. I'm also pretty confident that next year will be even faster since both boys will be in public school.

So, since I'm actually going to have my kids for some of their summer break, it's time for me to bust out some plans (last year Mikey wrapped up school, and then 3 days later was on an Amtrak train with my dad to California). They will be going to California again, but not till after the 4th of July. I've already figured out what to do with Mikey during the day while we are at work, but I'm a little bit at a loss for the weekends. We have our year passes to Six Flags but I'm always so paranoid about the crowds and waiting in lines, especially in this Texas heat. It's no joke. So cooler indoor activities can include trips to the "jump place" aka Inflatable Wonderland. Nothing is better then paying $10.00 per kid for them to jump in inflatable bounce houses ALL DAY while parents enjoy the free internet. I could also read the books I've downloaded on my NOOK while they tire themselves out.That sounds like killing two birds with one stone. Our pool and local park are always the nice affordable options (FREE!). I think I'll reserve those for the work week evenings. We can also head to the local water park, Rock N' River. I haven't tried that place out, but I've heard some good things from people at work and other locals. It's a nice affordable option to Schliterbahn or Six Flags White Water Bay. Plus it's also 5 minutes away vs 45-90 minutes. 

What I'm really excited for is the City of Round Rock's 4th of July party. Last year Mike and I attempted to attend, but it didn't seem right without the boys. Seeing other families just made us miss them even more. This year will be different though. We are going to get a nice area in the park (hopefully it won't be terribly humid then) and spend the day playing games, do a little picnic, then watch the firework show before heading home. The only downside to that is I have to get up at 3am and drive to San Antonio to pick my dad up from the Amtrak station. Still kicking myself for offering to pick his butt up that early.....

No matter what we do, I plan on making the most of the time I'm going to have to with them this summer, and also make sure they have as much fun as possible. I remember being a kid in school and just couldn't wait till summer time. My dad always made sure I had a good time and that's something I want to pass along!