
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Overcoming hate

Unless you've been living under a rock, I'm sure you're aware of what happened in Boston. Just like with Sandy Hook, Aurora, and other tragic events, I found myself wondering, what in the world is wrong with people? Who has a heart so full of hate and anger that they would commit heinous acts? I do my best to treat people fairly and keep away the negative, but these events are plastered all over the TV, internet, and newspapers and it's getting pretty difficult to keep it out. I'm not saying I want to avoid it and act like it never happened. I can't live in a bubble detached from reality, but I want to read the positive stories about compassion, love for thy neighbor, and those who would risk it all for others.   

So now it's coming clear that I need to ask myself, how can I teach the kids about the negative without it overshadowing the positive? These tragic events are horrible, and awful. The amount of evil that goes into planning and executing such horror can be overwhelming and it's my job as a parent to guide them through the hate and see the light in every terrible situation. It's times like now that I'm just not sure how to do it. I don't know where to start. Letting them just learn about it on the news isn't an option. The media is all about having the most "in depth" coverage AKA showing the worst of the worst and being the first to do it. I surely can't take my dads approach! His way is "shit happens, get over it". Times are different now Dad! Back when I was growing up, we didn't have social media, or 24 hour news coverage. Kids today are WAY more over exposed to the harsh realities of the world. It seems like the only option I have it trial and error and LOTS and LOTS of long uncomfortable talks and answering a million questions. At least I'll have Mike to assist. That's something my dad didn't have; a partner to help with the guidance. 

There are moments I swear that other parents around me received a magical parenting book with all the answers, because they certainly appear to have their shit together in situations like this. Looks like I missed the memo on where to pick up my copy of that book.