
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Parental injuries mean nothing!!

As a parent, when your child is sick or injured, your world comes to a screeching halt. Chores, your spouse, your job all become secondary to your sweet baby who's in distress. Well in my house I know that's the way it works. I make sure my little one is all better before I'm finally able to get the ball back rolling in my world.

Well this weekend I was "blessed" with a leg injury that required stitches. 11 stitches, to be exact. Granted the injury wasn't anything traumatic and I was able to get stitched up and sent on my way after initial accident, I was still kinda hoping my little ones would be just a little less demanding. It sure hasn't been that way! I received a little bit of "poor mommy, I hope you feel better" then it was back to the usual "mommy he's touching me!!!!"

At least the lack of sympathy from the boys has been overshadowed by my amazing kick ass husband! He has been helping me out in every way he possibly can. He's been the fight mediator between the boys, the dinner cooker for the family, the maid for the home, and the best damn personal nurse a woman can ask for. This has made me realize that if I'm ever seriously injured (stitches in the leg suck, but it's not that big of a deal) he's going to be my greatest asset to recovery. 

So the moral of the story is, as a parent, I should really do my best to not be so damn clumsy and get sliced up because the world will not stop for me.