
Thursday, December 27, 2012


So Christmas has come and gone again. I like this think this one was a success. No one got into a crazy fight, the kids received awesome gifts, my hubby gave me the one thing I wanted, and dinner was amazing. It was also a miracle no one was sick on Christmas day. The boys were sick the Saturday and Sunday prior, my dad was down for the count on Monday, and the rest of us were seriously sick the day after. 

So every year I tell Mike that we need to cut back on getting the kids so much stuff. Their room is ridiculously over run with toys. When they were gone for the summer I made an attempt to clean out their  toy box. I tossed out one bag full of stuff and they still had two over flowing toy boxes. Well this year, despite my efforts to cut back, they once again received an obscene amount of toys. My family is a bunch of jerks, because they always try to buy obnoxious toys that will drive me up the wall. This year, silly string in the stockings wasn't the worst part. The title of most obnoxious toy goes to the remote control flying shark. Yup. Flying shark. This thing is HUGE! You fill it with helium and there is a little motor that is attached to the bottom that makes the fin move. It's ridiculous. Thanks dad. 

Having my dad here for Christmas was amazing. I got to witness him and Mike yell and scream at each other over football on Sunday. The boys crawling all over papa is another favorite of mine. As much as my dad complains about the Texas weather, deep down I think it's growing on him. I just need to show him some small towns and I know he'll want to move. I'm thinking in another year he'll be living out this way.

So finally Christmas is over. No more gifts for the boys till birthday time. I'm actually debating on hiding some of the unopened toys and re-gifting for the birthday......